PhD in German/Translation Studies, University of Manchester, School of Arts, Languages and Cultures 10/2003 - 7/2007
Magister Artium in History and English Language and Literature, Leibnitz Universität Hannover 4/1992 - 7/1998
- Thesis: ‘Metadiscourse in German History Writing and English Translation: A Study of Writer-Reader Interaction’
- The study investigates linguistic practices of German historians and their translators, which are functional in managing relations between writers, their texts and the anticipated audience. The research was funded by the AHRC and supervised by Dr Maeve Olohan and Prof. Martin Durrell. The external examiner was Prof. Juliane House from the University of Hamburg. Download the abstract.
- Main subjects: Anglo-German relations, political and legal system of the UK
- Title of thesis: ‘The 1998 Human Rights Act and Constitutional Change in the UK’ (summa cum laude). As a distinguished thesis it was published online and can be downloaded here.
Magister Artium in History and English Language and Literature, Leibnitz Universität Hannover 4/1992 - 7/1998
- Main subjects: Modern German history, British colonial history, contrastive linguistics
- Thesis: „Die Abschaffung der modernen Sklaverei in der englischen Geschichtsschreibung” (sehr gut). Download the thesis (in German).